Kooperationen – EN

Nike Hornbostel | Nachhaltige Transformation

Nike lives systemic change, gives impulses as a networker and provides people with clarity in opaque moments as a systemic coach. Contact Nike

Cooperation | Nike and I have been making a podcast since 2022 and offer coaching in combination with craftsmanship in our workshop.


Adriana Herrasti Coqui | MyWay Experiences

Adriana is an experience designer and consultant based in Florence. Her concept ‘MyWay’ opens up a world of possibilities through a different way of travelling: discover the surroundings of this region and learn about all the benefits for your daily life in a practical way. Contact Adriana

Cooperation | The combination of our two coaching approaches forms a bridge for a sustainable start and re-entry into everyday life. As a tandem, we coach together with regard to social and family imprints.